I hope you enjoyed last week’s “Acknowledge your Crew” Challenge.  If you missed it click here!

This week’s Gratitude Challenge involves using your phone for a meaningful daily practice.  We know we are on our phones too much and since they are omnipresent in our lives, let’s put them to work for us. 

Each day, take at least one picture with your phone of something that you are grateful for (like your home,  neighborhood, friends or family) or something that gives you a sense of awe (like a sunrise, autumn leaf or the evening sky). Put these pictures in a folder on your phone and then at the start of each day, select a different picture to be your screen saver.

Don’t rush through snapping a pic. Think about how you can capture its essence and what’s meaningful about this picture to you.  

Pictures are powerful mindset primers and by the end of the week you will have at least seven images you can tap whenever you need them to be reminded of the beauty and treasures surrounding you each day.  

If you’re up for sharing, I’d love to see your favorite image from the week! You can email it to me at laura@i2Leadership.com and I will create a collage of all the images I receive to share on social media.

I can hardly believe it, but this marks the end of our November Gratitude Challenge. I hope this month of gratitude helped you appreciate all that is present in your life to be grateful for and treasure.