This week we welcome Lorna Kapusta to Mojo Mondays Bootcamp. In her role as Head of Women Investors and Customer Engagement at Fidelity Investments, Lorna is responsible for a firm-wide initiative committed to helping women become more engaged in their finances and ultimately, more confident investors.
During our conversation she shares how she first found her voice. She also candidly shares the challenges of being a working mom with three kids, and how her personal journey to take a more active role in her finances removed unnecessary stress from her life.
Here are my top three takeaways from our conversation:
Ask for what you need. Don’t waste time negotiating against yourself, ask for the best case scenario first. Assume people will help you reach your goals.
Don’t dwell (for too long). When it comes to making mistakes, Lorna only allows herself 24-hours to dwell on it, then she moves on – life is too short.
Admit it’s hard. Lorna explains that when it comes to doing it all – being a great parent, a reliable friend, a great leader – we must admit that it’s hard and let go of the guilt when we fall short.
Take a moment to reflect and think about what inspired you from this conversation. What will you be borrowing from Lorna’s Mojo Manual?
Once you have your answers, start incorporating them into your own mojo manual.
And remember, if you or your team could use some additional support in finding and activating your MOJO, I’m only an email away – you can email me at
Here’s to a week filled with Mojo and possibilities.
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